
Here's the secret ingredient to get that first date

You may get right swiped, but your humour will land you your first date.

Your carefully chosen photos and quirky bio may get you those coveted right swipes, but after you match is when the real challenge begins: landing that first date. While breaking the ice with someone new can be nerve-wrecking, hitting the right notes in your first conversation is very essential. Clinical Psychologist Sonali Gupta believes that while you may get right swiped, being witty could help you land your first date.

Dr. Sonali Gupta says, “While users look for appealing profile pictures, qualifications and similar interests while swiping, a major quality that can help you stand out is having a good sense of humour."

She further adds, "A profile that incorporates humour, is always a good conversation starter. With humour being associated as a sign of intelligence, users with profiles that are funny yet ambiguous peek the right level of interest.”

A good sense of humour can be defined in various ways. Here is why growing a funny-bone could be your secret weapon in landing your first date!

A confidence booster: A good sense of humour adds confidence to your personality. Confidence is often seen as a very attractive characteristic, so this can help you stand out in the crowd. Being able to make someone laugh also shows that you share the same sense of humour, which can lighten any situation and make room for more conversations.

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A sign of Intelligence: Studies have shown a direct correlation between an individual’s humour and their intelligence quotient. A person with a good sense of humour is likely to indulge you in a smart conversation.

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Bust Stress and Build Trust: Humour helps combat stressful situations, while helping break tension and built trust. If you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious, often a good laugh is the best medicine. It is also a very welcoming attribute that others often find approachable and warm.

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PS: The images used are mock renditions of possible funny conversations and do not represent an actual chat of Tinder users. These are purely fictional.

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