
Embrace your sexual self

The three main enemies of sexual satisfaction are guilt, anxiety and fear.

‘Why is there so much emphasis on sex? Newspapers and magazines carry news on sex regularly. Is sex that important?’ a female acquaintance questioned me.

Our society is beset with a lot of myths about human sexuality. A man is considered masculine only when he performs effectively in bed. Whenever there is a problem related to performance, he becomes frustrated and depressed. In order to cover up his inadequacy, he may blame his wife. This attitude adversely affects the relationship, leading to unhappiness in non-sexual aspects of marriage.

Sexual behavior is determined by information one has and parameters of comfort zone. Unfortunately, it is besmirched with misconceptions, and is a breeding ground for stigmas and taboos, leading to unhealthy sex life. It is estimated that one in every three couples have sexual problems and they do not know how or where to seek help. Media gives them anonymity and guides them in proper direction.

The three main enemies of sexual satisfaction are guilt, anxiety and fear. All these stem from ignorance. Due to stigmatisation, sex education is not available. Magazine columns endeavor to dispel sexual ignorance and empower people with knowledge. The aim is twofold: First, to inform in simple language, the scientific aspects of sexual problems and clarify myths; Second, to help people become comfortable with their own life and elaborate on various options available. People will thus be empowered to take responsibility for their own health and happiness.

Have an open mind. All dimensions of human life are important. Understanding sexuality will enrich our lives and relationships.

The writer is a sexologist. Mail him at dr.narayana @deccanmail. com

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