
Study finds men with higher intelligence more likely to marry

Team also delved into whether wealth can influence possibility of marriage and found that men with money are even more likely to marry.

A new study finds that the types of intelligence exhibited by men can play a huge factor in determining whether or not they’re going to marry and for how long.

The study conducted by researchers from the Hanken School of Economics and Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland and Temple University, Philadelphia researched how a man’s intelligence can affect his marriage prospects.

The team, led by Jaakko Aspara, used data collated by the Finnish armed forces, the National Population Register Centre in Finland and the Finnish Tax Authority.

The team assessed individuals taking into account their IQs and other variables such as their income and social status.

The IQ scores were further separated into three parts, verbal, logical and numerical intelligence.

While verbal intelligence involves being able to analyse information and solve problems using language-based reasoning, logical intelligence consists of being adept at understanding and solving complex problems, while those who display numerical intelligence take a more mathematical approach.

According to the researchers, young male adults with greater intelligence were more likely marry in future, while those with higher levels of verbal intelligence had an even greater chance of tying the knot.

Men who were higher in intelligence were also more likely to stay married four years after their nuptials, regardless of their type of intelligence.

The team also delved into whether a man’s wealth can influence his possibility of marriage and found that a man with more money is even more likely than one with smarts to marry.

However, a man with a higher IQ has a greater chance of marrying and remaining married for a longer period of time.

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