
What men want

Men get into bed to hump whereas women get into bed for romance.

The US-based Men’s Health magazine conducted a survey that had a question — In your experience, what is it about men’s sexuality that women don’t understand? A few interesting themes emerged from the survey responses. The men shared six broad ‘responses’.

We get turned on by visual stimulation: She needs to be stroked to get turned on. What she doesn’t understand is that “I have already been stroked by her figure and I don’t want to indulge in sweet nothings.” We want the lights on to see them but they want to hide under the sheets.

Sex is physical: Men get into bed to hump whereas women get into bed for romance. “I want to watch Basic Instinct to get into the mood but she wants to read Mills & Boon”. Why can’t women separate sex and love?

We fool around and then fall in love: We are told we are penis centric. Women don’t understand that the penis is attached to the heart. Regardless of the physical nature of our sex drive, sooner or later our hearts get entangled.

Men are just as sentimental as women are: “We just need someone to help us out of our shell.”

We need feedback during sex:
– We are not inconsiderate lovers. We are just confused.
– We need instructions. We are not mind readers.
– When we ask them directly, the women are too shy or unable to specify.
– They allow us to do what we want and then complain they are not getting what they want.

We want women to understand us:
– We too like to be caressed. We too want to feel wanted. Women think that a way to a man’s heart is through the stomach, but the way to a man’s heart is to adore.
– Women are clumsy lovers too. If we are to understand them, they should understand us too.
– Men and women are alike except for a couple of minor plumbing differences.

Ladies! Are your listening?

The writer is a sexologist. Mail him at

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