
Things to always keep private about your relationship

Seeking relationship advice from your friends is normal, but certain things that should remain only between you and your partner.

Make sure that you know where to draw the line when sharing personal things with your friends. It is okay to seek guidance on certain topics and here are a list of things that should remain between you and your partner, lists Bustle.

Financial issues

Everyone wants financial stability and security. This makes it one of the reasons that couples face issues or split. Every couple faces financial difficulties at some time or the other, but it is important to keep that information to yourself.

"Time spent airing your financial frustrations with outside sources doesn’t help you get ahead, but a mutually transparent prioritization with your partner can," Shaklee said. Tackle the issue together.

Anything that has to do with sex

Any performance-related issues or anxiety is something very personal to the couple. It should remain between the couple unless both are okay sharing it with others. "While it's great to see a couple that clearly adores one another, it's probably best to keep intimate details private," Dr Annie Hsueh, PhD, licensed clinical psychologist.

Just as someone would find your public display of affection embarrassing, they may treat a discussion of intimate issues in the same way.

Your fights

"While it may seem like a good idea to run to your friends every time you have a disagreement or fight with your partner, this may not be good for relationships in the long haul," Dr Catherine Jackson, licensed clinical psychologist.

In the moment, it may seem good to vent, but you are creating a negative image of your partner in front of the person you are venting to. It may lead them to form an opinion about them. "Opinions are hard to change," Jackson says. "Be selective about any unfavourable things you share about your partner."

Your partner's insecurities

"I would guide anyone to just use the golden rule here," Latimer said. "What are the things that would really upset you if you found out your partner was discussing them with others? That can provide you with the perspective you may need."

Don’t bring up your partner’s insecurities in front of others. That would be a breach of trust on your part and your partner will end up feeling betrayed.

Your goals for the future of the relationship

This will come as a surprise, but avoid sharing the possible future of your relationship with a third person. Keep your hopes, goals and expectations from the relationship between you’ll.

"Many couples withhold the fact that they're trying to have kids; at least until it's a sure thing," Hsueh said. "This isn't limited to just kids, but things that you hope to happen, but just may not take off." Announce your plans to the world only when you and your partner are on the same page.

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