
Here's what women need to know about erectile dysfunction

Statistics, say, one in 10 men experience ED - erectile dysfunction.

There are times, when in a relationship, women might feel that their partners have started avoiding sex. One might see the partner getting frisky, starting a foreplay and then suddenly backing off. Such behaviour can signal he’s struggling with erectile difficulties.

According to a story published in The Sun, if he has good confidence, or you two have good communication, he might confide in you.

Statistics, say, one in 10 men experience ED - erectile dysfunction. Most feel totally humiliated. One reason why experts no longer use the term impotence.

Here are a few things you need to know when it comes to erectile dysfunction.

It can be a medical issue like poor circulation with both older and younger men. A man needs good blood flow to his manhood to get some thrust in his erection. If that’s not happening, he’ll struggle.

It could also be due to too much alcohol that leads to brewer’s droop. He might even have classic ‘stage fright’ and he feels anxious about impressing you.

Smokers are four times more likely to develop ED.

This fact might give him a kick up the backside to stop. Same with junk food, being overweight definitely impacts erections. However, it could also be stress.

The best thing in such cases is to be supportive and not make any jokes about it.

If it is something akin to a stage fright, suggest he masturbates when alone. If he gets aroused his ED’s probably ‘emotional’. Some recommend the postage stamp test where he wraps some around his non-erect penis at bedtime.

If they’ve popped during sleep it means he had a night-time tumescence (erection). Another sign it’s emotional. But if he’s a restless sleeper they’ll break anyway.

In the absence of his penis he might want to satisfy you orally. Let him! It makes him feel worse if you protest it’s not fair if you’re satisfied when he’s not. Definitely ask if he wants you to be playful. Taking away the ‘goal’ of orgasm can sometimes help him relax. You can also do some fantasy chat or try being the dominating one. This kind of fantasy chat - where you playfully ‘deny’ him any pleasure - might put the swagger back in his penis!

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