
Drunk man rapes roadside puppy, leaves it to die

Delhi cabbie has sex with female puppy and then dumps it in a jute bag for it to bleed to death; boasts about it later.

In a shocking incident, a taxi driver from Delhi has been accused of raping a female puppy, which later bled to death.

According to an animal lover, the 34-year-old Naresh Kumar from Naraina area had boasted about what he had done to the animal lover and even took him to see the carcass.

The report as published in India Today says that a post-mortem report confirmed the rape and subsequent death due to excessive bleeding and shock.

According to the report, the incident took place on August 25, when Naresh, who was at that time, under the influence of alcohol, grabbed the puppy, allegedly raped her and left it bleeding. He later confessed to a few neighbours and the animal lover.

The report which was originally published in Mail Today further said that Naresh, along with his brother, stuffed the puppy inside a jute bag and dumped it near the Naraina Industrial area.

Abhishek Kumar who stays in the same colony went on to notice that the puppy is missing and on questioning an inebriated Naresh, he told them that he had dumped the puppy after raping it. He showed them the dumping place and ran away. The puppy was taken to the Sanjay Gandhi Animal Care Centre but was declared dead on arrival.

There has been an increase in cases of animal cruelty recently with another incident which saw a chilling CCTV footage of a group of men killing a dog. It was later discovered that they had eaten the stray.

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