
30's skincare to slow down aging

Here are reasons why you should not stop taking care of your skin.

Mumbai: As you say bye to the youthful 20’s and enter into the assured phase of thirties, you have whole lot of responsibilities to fulfill that leaves no time for self care. 30’s is a critical age range where you are not in your youth and neither do you fall in the oldies category. First the body functioning starts changing with the onset of the 30’s and secondly, women tend to get engaged in other priorities of life.

It has been observed that the time when women should start taking care of the skin, they let go. In the process, skin starts losing its elasticity, dark spots and wrinkles start appearing, under-eye circles starts showing up.

“Some of the other changes include decreased production of collagen and elastin, both of which are responsible for maintaining the softness and elasticity of the skin. As you start ageing, the production of collagen and elastin slows down and this causes fine lines, spots and wrinkles to become. Shedding of dead skin also paces down, leading to dryness and the skin looks dull, “avers Rahul Agarwal, CEO, Organic Harvest.

Some biological changes are irreversible. Therefore, prevention is better than cure. Taking care of the skin from an early age can prove to be beneficial. Shankar Prasad, Founder of Plum shares, “in the case of skin, we should start with keeping it gently cleansed, toned, hydrated, protected and exfoliated by following a disciplined skin care regime.”

If you start taking care of your skin from the 30’s you can gracefully slow down the process of aging and be prepared to embrace the change. According to Vishal, aging is a truly beautiful process and with proper skin care routine, you can maintain your youthful appearance for decades to come. He further adds that it is best time to evaluate the skin care routine you follow, opt for a healthy lifestyle and modify it to tackle various anticipated skin concerns.

Matching your skin care routine with a healthy lifestyle will benefit your skin in a number of ways. Opt for organic skincare products which are free from harmful chemicals and aim to revitalise the skin from within, for a natural and healthy glowing skin. Chemically loaded products have harmful effect on the skin. It can make your skin prone to infections, irritations, sun burn and many more.

Combining good science with effective and delightful products can help you slow down the various signs of aging and keep you radiant for years to come.

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