
What's your drink?

Blazing summer comes with an array of cooling drinks.

It’s time to beat the heat with a drink which works the best for your soul. I say, “If your soul is happy, you are happy.” Your soul is directly linked to your happiness, your moods, your mind; it simply governs your entire body. As per numerology, there are some concoctions of fruits, herbs, spices and vegetables that are best suited for you, as per your date of birth. Check out what’s your drink.

For those born on:

1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month — Make a cup of chamomile tea, add one strand of saffron, let it cool in the fridge. To this add half or one teaspoon of honey. You should have this daily, any time of the day. Chamomile tea for people born on this day will protect their heart. In case you are allergic to any of the above, take a glass of barley water first thing in the morning.


2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month — Watermelon juice with a dash of rock salt and a few drops of lemon juice is your drink. It will keep your stomach ailments in place. Rock salt will help cleanse your system. In case watermelon is not for you, you can have a glass of cucumber juice with rock salt and lemon in the morning.


3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month — People born on these dates should have a glass of mixed juice of pomegranate and pineapple. You can add a couple of mint leaves to this. Have it preferably in the morning. Pineapple will help your nervous system stay calm while pomegranate will help the blood flow reach the brain properly. If this doesn’t work for you, you can also opt for a glass of almond milk.


4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of any month — You should consume a glass of vegetable juice first thing in the morning. Add spinach, cucumber, and a few drops of lemon juice. Spinach being the primary ingredient. This juice will help you fight anemia, excessive tiredness and pain in the neck area.


5th, 14th and 23rd of any month — You should have a cup of Dandelion tea or Dandelion juice with a pinch of cinnamon, this will help the number fives get rid of water retention that they acquire in the summer months. If the above is not available, they can also consume aloe vera juice.


6th, 15th and 24th of any month — You should consume one cup of hot turmeric milk with 3-4 almonds at night just before sleeping, this will help you fight against the dust particles which trouble you in summer. If you cannot have this, simply go for a glass of apple and mint juice first thing in the morning.


7th, 16th and 25th of any month — A mix of all fruit juices is ideal for number seven in the morning. One citrus fruit in the juice is a must. This number likes energy and a mix of all fruits will help them this summer.


8th, 17th and 26th of any month — Cranberry juice is what number eight needs. A small glass or half a glass of chilled cranberry juice will work magic for this number. It helps in liver and intestine functioning. Also a glass of celery water is very good for number eights.


9th, 18th and 27th of any month — Have lemon and ginger water (ginger ale). You can consume this 2-3 times a day. Also add in honey. This number is full of aggression and summers make it worse. This combination will help them stay calm, cool and focused throughout the season. A glass of horse radish juice is also good for this number.

The writer is a numerologist, coffee cup reader and rudraksha therapist

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