Staying in the process
The process is life altering and the testing times contain the seeds of valuable lessons.

Whenever we embark on creating something of lasting value or truly enduring we simply have to be prepared for the long haul. Nothing of significance whether a civilization or an institution was ever built overnight or in a single day. Anything worthwhile is always created brick by brick, step by diligent step and takes considerable time. While in the thick of such projects it is not uncommon to encounter moments when a sense of frustration sets in and we are overcome by impatience .One is tempted to give it all up, abandon efforts and call it a day. Apart from the gestation itself, if faced with obstacles and hurdles one presses the panic button and begins asking why me? One's faith weakens and is plagued by doubts, fears and anxieties none of which is very helpful in focusing on the mission on hand. This is when we need to stay in the process and understand the significance of it. The journey to somewhere, the getting to there is more important than the destination .The process is life altering and the testing times contain the seeds of valuable lessons.
The writer is a Reiki channel, yoga practitioner and a spiritual seeker