
Focus on soul growth

While it is easy to see oneself grow physically, it is difficult to see the spiritual growth.

There is a part of a wall at home where the children’s heights were marked off at periodical intervals all through their growing years. Every time they shot up or a growth spurt was witnessed the elders would exclaim “My, how you have grown!”

If there wasn’t much of a change during some months we would look forward to the next jump.

While physical growth can be measured, monitored and recorded, soul growth cannot be measured scientifically or accurately but only perhaps assessed subjectively or relatively.

Besides most of the times, caught up as we are in the rat-race we fail to connect with our souls much less do things for its growth. We do not look beyond the surface — our feelings, emotions, sensory pleasures and the battles we fight on a routine or long term basis, to peer into the deeper consciousness.

Soul growth is indeed life’s purpose and while it may come more naturally to a miniscule minority who are highly evolved most others can get there if they make a conscious effort towards this end.

Ways to facilitate soul growth:

Do something creative:Remember spirituality and stillness foster creativity and doing something creative helps you connect with the source, temporarily freed as you are from mundane preoccupations and the see-saw of emotions. Rather than trotting out excuses about not being able to paint or sculpt or weave or compose music like a pro or lament your inability to produce a piece of literary merit there is always some where one can begin. It could be something as simple as writing an interesting letter, captioning a family photo, leaving a funny comment, even playing Pictionary or trying one’s hand at pottery or craft or plating food or assembling a toy car! Something marvellous happens in the process of creating joyfully. You tap into something deep, you receive wisdom and inspiration and you truly surprise yourself.

Welcome struggles and challenges: Embrace life with all its difficult experiences — don’t shy away from them. They are perhaps the best school in life. Be acutely
conscious of what these experiences are trying to teach your soul and what knowledge or wisdom or message is being passed on. They may lead you to something significant and can help you summon strengths you never knew you had and grow spiritually.

Strive for noble and lofty goals:Do something unique and worthwhile that will live after you and help you actualise your potential. Get out of the one-upmanship mindset. Help others grow and do this for the joy of doing so without expectations of gratitude. Champion a cause or spearhead a movement for the larger good. The moment you truly open your heart, a transformation occurs and negative energies such as aggression, greed etc. transmute and acquire a spiritual hue.

Connect with your inner soul: Make time for that. Rise above the humdrum of daily life. Meditate every now and then on the spiritual essence of the soul and its divine core. That will help you connect with the source. Step out of your homes and experience the varied landscapes – majestic mountains, arid deserts, dense forests, the beaches, rivers and lakes. A few weeks ago, I was in Oman staring at mountains every day. On my return, I received pictures from dear ones of the clear waters and lush green of Mauritius – each awe inspiring, bringing home the grandeur of the Universe apart from being balmy to the spirit and lending perspective to who we are in the larger scheme of things.

Read life stories of spiritually evolved souls: Draw from their experiences and do what works or resonates with you to help rediscover that divine you. That is when you truly live and facilitate the growth of your soul.

The writer is a Reiki channel, yoga practitioner and a spiritual seeker

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