Get ready for a sticky selfie
The latest app from Prisma helps you turn your selfies into fun stickers.

The app Prisma has never failed to impress its users. Its first AI-powered graphics app was an instant success with users and won the App of the Year award in 2016. The company followed up by adding support for video and downloadable filters. Its second Al-based app ‘Sticky’ was launched earlier this month on iOS. The android version will be rolled out in the coming weeks.
This new app from Prisma Labs aims to create great selfie stickers to use in iMessage, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and other social networking sites. The app will isolate the photo of users from their background and then allow them to use it as it is or in different styles. Users can add text, create animations or save it as GIFs.
There are two filters - a black-and-white outline effect and a vaguely cartoonish style. These can be added to the picture by tapping on the cutout of a person. Tapping the background shifts it from transparent to a series of solid colors and a text icon allows for captions.
Prisma says, “Sticky uses artificial intelligence to help you create your own selfie-stickers incredibly fast. Create still and animated stickers, save them to the sticker pack and share easily to your conversations. Make your chats in messengers and social networks even funnier!"
The best way to use Sticky is to save the custom sticker to the app, where the user can access it as a native iMessage sticker, so as to make it easier to place in chat conversations. Users can also press and hold the camera button for a couple of seconds to take burst shots that will automatically turn into animated stickers or GIFs. Users can also add a white border around the selfie for that authentic sticker feel to the image. The app is currently a free download.