
Choosing the right dog care centre

Take extra care to check out what the indoor and rest space is like.

For pet parents, finding the right kind of pet day-care centre is always a daunting task. Here are a few pointers and questions to keep in mind before leaving your pets at a daycare.

Make sure to visit the centre personally and check if it is a dog-friendly place. Make a note of the environment in the centre — is quiet and peaceful or noisy?

Take extra care to check out what the indoor and rest space is like. See if there is enough open space for the dogs to spread out or is it cramped?

Do not forget to check if they have too many dogs in close confines. Cleanliness should be of utmost importance. It must be clean but not smelling of strong cleaning products.

Keep it in mind to interact with the caregivers as they will have direct day-to-day contact with the dogs. Do the staff members look like they love the dogs

Daycare is not for every dog. Dogs who were not adequately socialized as puppies or perhaps have issues such as fear of other dogs or fear aggression may have a tough time adjusting to such a place.

Moreover, a good daycare will evaluate a dog as an individual. That is the dog will not be accepted if he or she is not a good fit. It is just that they do not want your dog to be hurt or to hurt anyone else.

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