
Tragic friendzone Instagram post goes viral

The post by the girl spoke about their whole day and how she was treated like a princess but it didn't go down well with many people

Trying to get out of the friendzone for many boys is really hard and while they take all the effort in the world they still cant get out of it, sadly. A girl recently wrote a really sweet post for her friend except it was posted with a life-changing hashtag for the boy that he was hoping to get out of but social media didn’t like it and totally supported him.

According to a report in the Unilad, a user posted the photo of her with her guy friend on Instagram and wrote about how she had a wonderful day but she added a hashtag that he probably wasn’t expecting. The boy, Daniel, had taken the girl, Alex out for a game of golf and dinner; he had even given her flowers and shared an ice cream along with horseback riding but she ended up calling it a ‘friend-date’. While she complimented the guy, she may or may not have realised that just one word could break his heart and she ended post with #stillsingletho.

While the Instagram post got very few likes, Twitter couldn’t take it easily and when it was shared by user @T_DMac it went viral and got over 8,000 retweets and 14,000 likes with sympathetic replies that every heartbroken boy would understand.

Read the tweets below:

Read the tweets below:

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