The spiritual laws of life Part ll
The law of resistance. What you resist persists. Whatever you don't like will keep showing up in your life.

We continue our exploration of the spiritual laws of life, which will help us understand life and also how to live it optimally, so that we can be healthy, happy, successful and peaceful. We already looked at the Law of Unity and the Law of Attraction.
The third is The Law of Karma. Karma repeats the same message as the Law of Attraction. It says what we sow, we reap. All our thoughts, words and deeds have consequences and we will have to face each one of them. Karma says we get away with nothing. Everyone always gets their just deserts. Life is perfectly just. So if we break a leg, lose a job or girl friend, or win a ticket to go round the world, it is because we have deserved it.
If we never become rich despite our best efforts, or our marriage breaks up through no fault of our own, perhaps karma is the spoiler. If not in this lifetime, then in the last. But even here, there is hope. Karma means the consequences of our action. So if bad karma has closed some doors to us, maybe good karma will open them. More important, when bad karma visits us, it is vital to learn our lessons, make amends and wait patiently for the karma to get voided. When we learn our lessons, it is much more likely that our illness will heal, prosperity will woo us, and a new and better relationship becomes possible.
The law of uncertainty. The only thing that is certain is that nothing is certain. We live in a phenomenal world. Nothing is guaranteed. We may fall ill, break a leg, lose our job, or our marriage. Simply no guarantees, except that which we earn through good karma. In fact, the only way to counter this law is to make sure we earn good karma. Because the fact is that we can only control our thoughts, words and actions. Everything else is outside our axis of control. No one owe us anything, not even our parents. This is the opposite of entitlement, and we will soon find that frightening as it is to confront this, it also make us happy and joyous. Because once we stop expecting, anything seems like a gift.
The law of reciprocity. You can get what you want only when you give it. If you want love you have to give love. If you want money, you will have to be generous. If you want appreciation, you have to give it. It is paradoxical but true. The more loveless you feel, the more you need to love. The less money you have, the more you need to give of it. The less energy, the more you need to expend it
The law of resistance. What you resist persists. Whatever you don’t like will keep showing up in your life. This is the main reason life can seem so baffling and uncontrollable. The more we resist being in poverty, the more entrenched we become. The more we hate cockroaches, the more they seem to proliferate.
The more we resist traffic jams, the more often we find ourselves exposed to it. This can seem very perverse on the part of the Universe but the reason is very simple.
We are meant to flow with life and not against it. We are meant to eliminate every ounce of resistance to everything that comes our way and move into surrender.
We need to transcend all our everyday aggravations as well as the bigger stuff. Disease, relationship breakdowns, divorces, deaths of others. This calls, of course, for deep spiritual work but we can begin with the small stuff. And work our way up.