Promoting health through hygiene
The founder and CEO of JSR Innovative, Ashutosh named the revolutionary product GoodFeel.

One day, young Shraddha insisted that she did not want to go to school because of the unhygienic toilets there. Shraddha’s father Ashutosh Joshi decided to tackle the problem. He developed an innovative utility garment that not only helped Shraddha but also led to an innovative social solution. The founder and CEO of JSR Innovative, Ashutosh named the revolutionary product GoodFeel developed after 3 years of rigorous research, testing and development.
GoodFeel is a woman’s undergarment with a special rubber attachment, which can help ladies urinate in a standing position without removing their undergarment. This is a godsend when women are finding it difficult to cope with public toilets that are unclean or are sometimes absent. It is also helpful to elderly people who suffer from leg pain, and struggle to sit down and get up.
Sharada Joshi, the chairperson, says, “GoodFeel is a perfect safeguard for every woman who needs to go out of the house for work. It’s a boon for every woman.”
For skeptics who are worried about safety aspects, Ashutosh says, “The material used for the attachment is imported from USA. We have tested for skin irritation, sensitisation, vitro cytotoxicity and vaginal irritation in prolonged use and found it to be safe. The product has also passed all the tests required for use as a medical device.” Many senior citizens with various illnesses too find this device useful.