
A vroom full of jazz

The seeds of entrepreneurship were sown in Sunil in Class 10 when he made his first e-commerce sale.

Each entrepreneurship journey is different but all those who have decided to tread this tough and long journey share some fundamental qualities — a deep passion to persevere and succeed, the ability to forge ahead in the face of overwhelming odds and the opportunity to cash in on an opportunity when nobody else thinks about it. Armed with all these qualities, the journey of Sunil Dhingra, co-founder of Jazzmyride, which deals in professional motorcycle riding gears like riding guards, gloves, shoes, jackets, pants and bags, has been a fruitful one.

The seeds of entrepreneurship were sown in Sunil in Class 10 when he made his first e-commerce sale.

The bug of e-commerce caught him from there, and he honed that with professional courses and work experiences. Finally in 2011, Jazzmyride took off with just a seed capital of Rs 10,000 to setup its e-commerce portal but after five years, the company has a turnover of over Rs 20 crores. Sunil was able to identify a niche segment to begin his journey and that succeeded. He states, “When it came to deciding a business venture, it was solely about grabbing a burgeoning opportunity that invited me to tap into an unorganised sector which had immense potential that could fetch us a revolution in the e-commerce history.”

There was also another reason for Sunil to venture into the motorbike segment — his passion for biking.

He admits, “I love bike riding and now that I am working in this segment, my love for biking has increased manifold.” However, his busy schedule does not allow him much luxury to indulge in that passion as he ruefully says, “I haven’t yet got a chance to take a typically tough journey to Ladakh or so as of now because my work team needs me back at the office.” Along with biking, Sunil also loves travelling and that passion is something he indulges whenever he can. The seasoned traveller reveals, “My favourite travel destination is Scotland and the reason I find Scotland fascinating is because it has a great combination of modernism and simplicity. The trip to Scotland has been my most memorable so far. Unfortunately, I could not ride my bike there, but the car journey to the countryside was tremendously scenic and mesmerising. Adding to the charm was the world’s best assortment of scotch whiskys and local delicacies of Haggis, crepe, etc.”

Buried in these words is Sunil’s love for food about which he is not finicky, “I am a great foodie and I have been tagged as a ‘food explorer’ since college days because of my various choices of cuisine, starting from Delhi’s famous roadside chaat to Mughlai’s to proper hardcore exotic dishes like Black Pudding and many more.”

Sunil has a keen intellect too and he was the first prize holder of the All India Youth Parliament Speaker Contest organised by the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs as well as the highest marks holder in a nationwide GK Contest organised by UNESCO.

A person whose motto in life is to enjoy the journey more than the destination, Sunil is a cricket buff who cannot travel anywhere without his digital army.

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