
Knowing your drinking limits!

Many people call in their friends to help them out while they get high.

People say drinking and driving isn’t safe, but there are many other things as well that you cannot do while you’re drinking your blues away! Many people end up hurting themselves doing silly things unconsciously while they are drunk and news is filled with such cases. But, instead of hyping the same news over and over again we figure out what precautions can be taken before drinking in heavily.

Utkarsh Roy, a software developer in KPMG says he has never actually drank alone but was injured while drinking. “Don’t get too drunk when drinking alone because there will be no one around for help. Always have a phone within reach for any emergency calls. Stay away from bathtubs or electrical appliances as there are high chances of you falling and being disoriented. Stay away from anything that needs to be handled with caution,” he says.

Many people call in their friends to help them out while they get high. So, does Rahul Raj, a risk analyst who says, “I don’t prefer going back to my place by booking a cab. And if I am too drunk to carry myself, I call my friends to take me from my place. Also, a person should avoid getting into any sort of argument with strangers when drunk because it might lead to a scuffle. Avoid drinking on the terrace without boundaries, it might lead to a accident.”

Gynaecologist Shoiba Saldana testifies, “For women, specifically, the possible results of heavy drinking are puking, falling semiconscious at the venue, losing inhibitions and behaving in an odd way. One in five girls has even reported suffering date rape. The highest cause of teenage pregnancy in the US is drinking.” She concludes, “The answer lies in prevention.”

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