
Prominent personalities express solidarity on Twitter after Ankit Saxena's brutal murder

The boy was murdered by the family of the girl he loved just because they were from different communities.

The gruesome murder of a boy in India’s capital has shaken the nation as he was killed just because the girl he loved was Muslim. The incident sparked outrage which was reflected on social media.

While the police arrested the girl’s family and authorities have assured strict punishment for the culprits, several personalities came out in solidarity on social networking platforms.

Cricketer Mohammed Kaif struck a chord by calling for the mindset that doesn’t allow someone to marry the person of their choice merely on the basis of religion.

Meanwhile filmmaker Farhan Akhtar expressed shock at the incident and offered his condolences to the boy’s family.

Many urged that the religious divide being fueled by people in both communities must be bridged and the government should enact laws to protect inter-faith and inter-caste couples who often face such violent repression from society.

Others questioned how the brutal killing can be termed as ‘honour killing’.

But there was equivocal condemnation of the incident from all quarters as well as concern over the sorry state of affairs and lack of law and order in the nation’s capital.

There were also some who appreciated Ankit's family asking people to not communalise the issue despite facing such a tragedy.

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