
Get fit the organic way

Rishabh Chokhani found that there were natural ways of staying fit, which he developed into a business plan, giving birth to a botanic brand.

There is a natural progression of events in most business families. The cogs that turn automatically will fall in place like Rishabh Chokhani always knew. He was conditioned and ultimately prepared to step into his family business and take it forward after completing his studies. However, he did not find the sailing smooth as he reveals, “I was ready to take the responsibility of work. However, with responsibility came pressure to outperform, as the bar of excellence set by my father was too high.”

Also, Rishabh, a fitness freak, wanted to be part of a venture that resonated with his passion for fitness. Hence was born Naturevibe Botanicals, an organic brand with the goodness of botanicals of which Rishabh became the CEO.

There was an interesting catalyst – a fat-to-fab story – behind Rishabh’s tryst with fitness. It started in his early twenties, when he was studying in college. “I was extremely unfit and my ill-health would interfere with my daily routine. That was when I decided to take control of my life and started the journey to fitness,” he says. It was a path that saw him evolving into a businessman. He elaborates, “When I started maintaining a healthy routine, people suggested different diets, exercises and supplements. However, I was not happy with most of them, as they were not sustainable ways of staying fit.”

It was his methodical research about botanicals and their positive effects that convinced him to adopt natural ways of staying fit, which he further developed into a business plan. The skeptics may be pardoned for asking what was so different about his product when there are a dozen health and nutritional supplements in the market. Rishabh’s answer clears the air, “Naturevibe Botanicals offers the highest quality of organic products. The current market of organic products is full of brands that offer products based on Ayurveda. However, our products are based on the science of botanicals. A botanical is a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal or therapeutic properties and/or scent,” he explains.

Conceiving a company from scratch and running it successfully is no child’s play and Rishabh has learnt a lot during his journey to entrepreneurship. “Starting my own company at a young age was a fulfilling experience.

The journey has been one of learning and improvements. I am fortunate to have the support of my dear ones who believed in my business idea and stood with me.”

While it is a given that he is passionate about fitness and finds reading a good book on entrepreneurship a very relaxing way to unwind, travel is a great stress buster, too. He says, “I love travelling.

I love the hustle and bustle of city life and my favourite place to hang out is New York. The place is perfect for introspective thinking over a steaming hot cup of coffee as well as meeting up with people of different cultures probably at one of the rooftop restaurants in the city.”

Smiling a little, he recounts a memorable trip. “That would be during a hiking trip of the Appalachian Trail. I was part of a multicultural group formed by people from different walks of life. I learned some unique things about these cultures, yet one thing stood out for me. They all believed in the power of nature.” That was an insight for him and being a man not to ever let an opportunity pass, he applied it to his business successfully.

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