Woman's baby bump turns out to be 25 kg stone cyst
Keely needed a five-hour long operation to remove the growth, and shed a third of her body weight in the process.

In a shocking medical case, a woman who was mistaken to be pregnant by doctors was actually carrying a cyst the weight of seven newborn babies.
According to reports in SunOnline, Keely Favell, 28, from Swansea, took three at-home pregnancy tests after her growing weight attracted questions from strangers about her due date.
While they all came back negative, an ultrasound scan, showed that she was actually carrying around a giant ovarian cyst weighing more than 25 kgs - the same weight as seven newborn babies.
Keely needed a five-hour long operation to remove the growth, and shed a third of her body weight in the process.
Keely had first noticed that she was gaining weight in 2014, but did not give it much thought. However, eventually, she ballooned from a size 14 to a 22, weighing in at 146 kgs.
It was only in the summer of 2016 that she blacked out at her office admit job and decided to finally get to the bottom of her extraordinary weight gain.
While initially doctors thought she was pregnant, an ultra scan revealed a cyst surrounded by fluid.
It transpired that she had a massive ovarian mass that had to be removed via surgery. In the four weeks waiting to go under the knife, her stomach swelled another five inches.
She was eventually operated on at Swansea's Singleton Hospital in March last year and the surgeon removed a cyst weighing 25kgs, the same as septuplets.
She lost her right ovary in the surgery but medics have said that her fertility hasn't been affected by the procedure.