
Fertility in Indians affected by adulterated milk, says study

Oxytocin is one such injection that not only affects the cattle but indirectly the humans in the form of dairy products we consume.

Milk is known for its numerous health benefits in people of all age groups ranging from children to old people. But lately the problem of adulteration of food products has multiplied to alarming extents thus posing serious health issues.

Milk and dairy products are no exception. Cattle are fed with many steroids and hormonal injections to boost the delivery of milk production.

"Oxytocin is one such injection that not only affects the cattle but indirectly the humans in the form of dairy products we consume. The injected oxytocin reaches the human body through consumption of milk or any other dairy product causing several side effects on all. This is one of the reasons for early onset of puberty among girls, development of breast in male and lack of testosterone production due to hormonal imbalance. Milk adulterated with oxytocin should be avoided by pregnant women as it may lead to abortion and babies may be born with deformities. It increases the risk of haemorrhage in mothers after birth and can also inhibit breastfeeding", said Dr. Arvind Vaid, Chief Infertility and IVF Specialist, Indira IVF Hospital, New Delhi.

It is a general thought among us that milk is a rich source of calcium, but we tend to overlook the other components. Hormones like prolactin, lutenizing hormone(LH), estrogens, progesterone, oxytocin, growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone are present in the milk which may cause hormonal imbalance leading to infertility in humans as well.

It can adversely affect the production of cervical mucus, which in limited quantity helps the sperm reach the fallopian tube and protects the vaginal lining from acidic environment. If the cervical mucus turns hostile it can act like a barrier in the fallopian tube preventing women from conceiving.

Most of the people are either intolerant to lactose (sugar found in milk) or allergic to casein (protein in milk) which often goes unnoticed. The most common symptom starts off with fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, and repeated exposure to such allergies sets off a whole body immune response that halts down the fertility by causing improper ovulation, missing periods, degrading the egg quality and recurrent miscarriage.

"Certain amount of estrogen in male is required especially in the elderly age, but normally excess of estrogen in the male body leads to disruption of re-absorption of the luminal fluids in the epididymis leading to infertility. Consumption of more than the limit estrogen through diet leads to significant reduction in the epididymal weight causing decreased sperm motility and concentration", added Dr. Ishita Lunkad, Pune based gynaecologist.

Moreover it is also noted that 70 percent of the Indian population get packed milk (especially in plastics). Plastic contains BPA (endocrine disruptor), which is directly linked to cause fertility issues in both male and female. It is one of the reasons in female that causes high levels of FSH, low levels of AMH, problems in implantation, PCOS and depleted ovarian reserve.

Thus it is important to understand how adulterated milk can cause serious health issues in both males and females. Boiling milk can help eliminate traces of oxytocin. Thus a little vigilance can help save us from a number of health and fertility issues.

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