
Watching porn makes men sad, says study

They expect a lot more from their partners and are disappointed when they do not get what they want

Watching porn is known to make men happy as they can easily fulfill their desires through masturbation. However, a new study says that men are in fact unhappy after watching porn because their partners cannot perform. The unrealistic expectations set often leave them wanting for more which is not possible in real bedroom sex,

According to a report in the Toronto Sun, men watch porn for a variety of reasons and mostly it is to experiment with different sex positions. However, it works differently as the expectation from the partner is increased and most often they are left disappointed with their partners. The disappointment makes them steer away from physical contact and they look towards porn to keep them happy. It was also found that more are likely to watch porn by themselves than with their partner.

Interestingly, it also says that spending more time with screens in different forms like video games, mobiles and porn movies; it is going to affect the relationship. Couples need to talk it out if the man expects too much from the woman after watching porn without her.

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