
Higher intelligence may lead to mental illness, says study

Study offers unprecedented insight into links between intelligence and mental illness.

A new study now finds that people who are intelligent are at double the risk of mental illness compared to those with lesser intelligence. They also suffer more anxiety related physical woes as well.

The research conducted at Ptizer College found 20 percent of the intelligent group suffered anxiety and depression, compared to 10 percent of the general population.

Intriguingly, the participants also seemed more susceptible to asthma, allergies and poor immunity.

Experts say the study offers an unprecedented insight into the links between intelligence and mental illness, as well as the links between mood disorders and physical illnesses.

Speaking about the study, Dr Nicole Treteault, co-lead of the study said the higher rate of mental illness among intelligent people may be down to the fact that highly intelligent people are hyper-aware of their environment and social cues, making them hyper-sensitive and overly analytical about social interactions.

However, it is not the first time researchers have suggested that psychological illness exacerbates inflammation in the body. However, this is tipped as the clearest break-down of that relationship.

The research found a clear correlation between high intellectual capacity and all of the psychological and physiological conditions they screened for.

In conclusion, they said they believe people with hyper brain activity also have hyper body activity.

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