
Yoga a stress-buster, and it can enhance beauty too...

Yoga improves blood circulation, including the circulation of blood to the skin surface.

You do not have to be born beautiful. You can acquire it. Unless you are healthy from the inside, you cannot reflect true beauty. I believe that yoga is very relevant to our modern lifestyle, in terms of both health and beauty.

One of the yogic “asanas” that is necessary for beautiful skin and hair is Pranayam, as it helps to reduce stress, increase oxygenation and improve blood circulation. Pranayama is one of the best exercises of correct breathing. Devoting a few minutes every day allows us the means of natural cleansing of the system. These exercises are now being followed worldwide. Close one nostril with the fingers. Then breathe in through the other nostril. The air should be inhaled in short sniffs. Then close the second nostril and breathe out. Breathe in again through the other nostril and breathe out the same way. Alternate it up to 10 times. This not only purifies the bloodstream, but cleansers the entire filtering system.

Yoga improves blood circulation, including the circulation of blood to the skin surface. This is so important for the good health of the skin, as it helps to supply essential nutrients to the skin. It also promotes the removal of toxins through the skin. It tones the skin, improves oxygenation to the skin, imparts a beautiful glow and keeps the skin youthful and free from problems. The same goes for the hair. Yoga helps to promote blood circulation and oxygenation to the scalp and hair follicles. This helps to supply nutrients in the bloodstream to the hair follicles. It promotes hair growth and keeps the scalp healthy.

When we talk of beauty, we do not talk only about the beauty of the face. It also includes the figure — with suppleness, good posture and grace. A slim figure can take years off and make you look well groomed. Many beauty problems are triggered off by stress. Since yoga helps to induce relaxation and reduce stress, it helps in dealing with stress-related conditions like acne, hair loss, dandruff, etc. Studies conducted on those who practise yoga have shown that positive changes also occur in their personality, in attitudes, emotional stability and self-confidence. It has a direct effect on the mind, emotions and mood. In fact, yoga is a regular stress-buster and puts the glow back on you skin. Feeling good will make you look good too!

The regular practice of yoga helps to preserve the youthful properties of the skin and body. It keeps the spine and joints flexible and this goes a long way in keeping the body supple and youthful. There are numerous other benefits. The posture improves and so does grace of movement. It also helps to reduce weight. Muscles are toned and blood circulation improves. Yoga also helps to relieve fatigue and allow recuperation of energy. It has powerful rejuvenating and revitalising benefits. Surya Namaskar is ideal, as it exercises the entire body and has a rejuvenating effect on both body and mind. It is a set of 12 poses or “asanas”, in a particular sequence, accompanied by controlled breathing. It helps the organ systems to stay healthy, apart from keeping the body youthful and the mind calm. It is ideal for delaying the visible signs of ageing on both body and face.

The writer is an Indian entrepreneur well known for her herbal cosmetics

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