
Study finds trauma increases women's risk of obesity

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Researchers warn traumatic experiences puts women at risk of obesity.

A team of researchers found that the more traumatic events women experiencing, the more like it was they became obese, the Daily Mail reported.

With a rise in obesity rates in America, a majority of adults are at a high risk of developing diabetes, stroke, heart disease and other health issues. The study further explains how stress affects lifestyle habits which lead to weight gain, just like previous research has indicated.

This is reportedly the first time researchers have examined the relationship between obesity and stress in women.

"Little is known about how negative and traumatic life events affect obesity in women," study author Dr Michelle A. Albert told the Daily Mail. He explained "we know that stress affects behaviour, including whether people under- or overeat, as well as neuro-hormonal activity by in part increasing cortisol production, which is related to weight gain."

Because women are living longer, they are more prone to developing serious illnesses. "The potential public health impact is large, as obesity is related to increased risks of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and cancer, and contributes to spiralling healthcare costs," he further explained in the report.

The findings were presented at the American Heart Association’s annual seminar recently.

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