
Breast implants may save your life

According to researchers fake boobs act like tiny airbags slowing down impact of bullets.

If ever, you are shot at by a crazed gunman, it turns out that breast implants may actually save your life. The procedure that has been made popular by celebrities desiring bigger chest can lessen the impact of gunshot wounds by slowing down the bullet.

Researchers behind this bizarre experiment say that having fitted with fake boobs could be the difference between life or death.

According to the study, bullets travel considerably lesser, up to 20 per cent less far, when travelling through implants, thus reducing the risk of organ damage.

There have been cases in recent years where women have claimed that their implants saved their life and to test whether there was any truth to these claims, the University of Utah researchers conducted this bizarre experiment, new Scientist reported.

They analysed the damage of bullets shot into a synthetic gel similar to human tissue, and whether a breast implant could slow it down and found out that implants almost acted as tiny airbags slowing down the bullet.

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