
Too much porn can cause erectile problems for young men

The condition can be cured by not masturbating for a long time, which is a way to reboot the system.

Several different ways of deriving sexual pleasure have been emerging with the rise of the digital age and ease of access to the internet, and while virtual sex and sex with robots is being introduced now, porn has for long been something that most men masturbate to, and that is giving rise to a grave situation.

Erectile dysfunction, like many other sexual health issues, also has a lot to do with the mind as well as physical health, and an expert suggests that too much exposure to porn is increasingly causing erectile problems among men.

He said that one in ten young men today are suffering from erectile issue and that most people complaining of this condition are between ages of 13 and 25, which indicates a very alarming situation and an urgent need for raising awareness.

If a person masturbates to porn for 15 minutes a day, in a matter of years he is conditioned to climaxing by watching porn while there is very little time and effort towards developing sexuality with another individual. This causes a lot of difficulty when it comes to being aroused by another person instead of porn.

A study suggested that one third of all men watch porn everyday and this consumption has been consistently increasing due to more access to smart phones and other devices. This has led to men becoming desensitised to normal sexual stimulation with their partner, since porn even gives rise to unreal expectations in bed.

Most men never make a connection between erectile problems and porn since they consider watching porn normal. The issue is fixable by completely stopping masturbation for 90 days, which helps reboot a person’s system to normal arousal.

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