
Wounds can be protected from infection with bandages soaked in vinegar

Burns are very vulnerable to infections as they lead to loss of the normal skin barrier.

Injuries people suffer due to accidents in day to day life can leave them with a risk of infection and serious consequences if not attended to. While wounds need to be examined and treated properly, certain measures at home can also help.

A commonly available ingredient like vinegar can actually protect people from infections and even make wounds heal quickly. Research has found that acetic acid in vinegar is capable of killing around two dozen different bacteria causing infection.

Low concentrations of acetic acid are also being seen as an alternative for rub-on antibiotics. Burns are very vulnerable to infections as they lead to loss of the normal skin barrier.

A build up of bacteria on the wound can cause delay in healing as well as scarring. This can also lead to sepsis and other serious infections which can even turn out to be fatal.

Vinegar has natural acids called polyphenols and chemicals called melanoidins which can kill harmful bacteria. But people shouldn’t apply it themselves as it can damage skin if used in high concentrations.

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