
3 delicious egg recipes

Presenting the super-lazy versions of 3 delicious egg recipes.

We know those growing hunger pangs. And the proportionate laziness to cook. Fret not, here are 3 easy to make, delicious egg recipes:

Egg fried rice

Wondering what to do with leftover rice from yesterday? Try this easy recipe for a delicious egg and rice dish-


  • Some vegetable oil to grease the wok
  • 1 tbsp of cold vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1 spring onion
  • 250 gm cooked, chilled long-grain rice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Some sesame oil


Take a dry wok and heat it up till you see smoke coming out of it. Add vegetable oil and coat the wok thoroughly. Pour this oil and keep it aside. Heat a tbsp of cold vegetable oil. Beat the egg lightly, and pour it into the wok. Stir it aggressively so it scrambles.

Add the rice now. If there are lumps, use the back of your ladle to separate the grains. When the rice is warm enough, add salt and pepper. Finally, season it with finely chopped spring onion and sesame oil. Your egg fried rice is ready!

Scotch eggs

You can gorge on some sinfully delicious protein-packed eggs which are so easy to prepare-


  • 5 eggs
  • 50 gm plain flour, seasoned with salt and pepper
  • 300 gm sausage meat
  • 100 gm bread crumbs
  • Vegetable oil to deep fry


Boil four eggs for about 3 minutes. Run them through cold water, peel and dust them in seasoned flour. Keep the remaining flour aside. Take the sausage meat and cut it into 4. Flatten out the portions and cover the eggs gently. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Beat the remaining egg. Take out the eggs and roll them into the flour, then beaten egg, and finally the crumbs. Heat oil in a deep pan till it the temperature is about 180 degree Celsius. Fry the eggs till they turn golden brown. Voila! Your scotch eggs are ready to eat.

Egg toasts

While there are many variations in this dish, here is an easy recipe-


  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 3 bread slices (thick, slightly firm)
  • Pinch of salt
  • Two pinches cinnamon powder
  • Some butter


Beat the egg and add salt, cinnamon powder, sugar, and milk to it. Heat a pan and grease it with some butter. Dip bread slices into the egg mixture, and place them on the pan. Toast them until the egg is cooked, and place them on a plate. You can serve these slices with some maple syrup or sprinkle some powdered sugar.

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