
A healthy trail of cocktails

She explains that this can easily surpass the allotted calories of one's entire meal.

The age-old controversy around alcohol has divided India into two groups, where one believes that the beverage can never do any good to one’s body and the other believes that it has beneficiary properties. However, nutritionist Preety Tyagi says, “Most of the alcohol that’s prepared with ingredients that are high in antioxidants such as grapes, berries, etc., are helpful for a healthy heart. Also, beers are good for certain health issues. But quantity is key. Going overboard with alcohol can be really harmful to one’s health.”

Regarding the use of lemon/lime in a drink, she continues, “Vitamin C is excellent for our body, skin health, respiratory health, immune system and can be consumed in any way possible. So it’s better to dip in a slice in your drink or go for a mojito, provided the sugar content is regulated.”

Adding to this, holistic nutritionist Dr Shikha Mahajan shares that “Glass of wine, or vodka/whisky with water can be consumed once or twice a week without worrying much about the ill effects. However, cocktails have no moderate levels as it is a medley of various alcohols, juices, syrups, etc., and packs in at least 400-1,200 calories in a glass.”

She explains that this can easily surpass the allotted calories of one’s entire meal.

“When having a cocktail, it is best to have enough food first. However, the effects are not diminished, only slowed. For regular social events, prefer to have wine, vodka or whisky and stick to a maximum of two glasses,” she advises.

So, find here a collection of citrusy, fruity and, therefore, healthy cocktails that you can enjoy without worrying too much!

The Cadillac Style

Gin 55ml
Midori 5ml
Lemongrass 2pcs
Kaffir leaf A handful
Cranberry juice 60ml
Sweet and sour 30ml

Pre-chill a martini glass. Muddle kaffir leaves and lemongrass in a cocktail shaker.
Add the gin, midori and cranberry juice, ice cubes, and shake well.
Double strain the concoction in the glass and garnish with some kaffir leaves.

Fashion is my passion


Pineapple juice 75ml
Passion fruit 30ml
Star anise 2 pinches

Blend star anise masala and passion fruit syrup with pineapple juice.
Add the mix to a glass and muddle it.
Strain into the final glass, over fresh ice leaves.

Jury Island


Strawberry crush 45ml
Lime juice 15ml
Ice cubes 5-6
Strawberries 2 to 3
Lime 1/2
Beer 200ml

Blend the strawberry crush with lime juice, beer and cubes of ice.
Add strawberries (cut into small pieces) to the mix and shake until chilled. Then serve.

The Shimmer Ball


Cranberry infused
chamomile tea 60ml
Basil 3-4pcs
Sweet and sour 30ml
Dates 2pcs

Pre-chill a martini glass.
Muddle basil and dates in a cocktail shaker.
Add the other ingredients and ice cubes.
Shake well and double strain into the pre-chilled martini glass.
Garnish with basil leaves.

The Bronx


Gin 50ml
Rosso vermouth 5ml
Dry vermouth 5ml
Orange juice 60ml
Sweet and sour 30ml

Pre-chill a martini glass.
Add all the ingredients to a cocktail shaker, add ice cubes and shake away.
Double strain the mix in the glass.

— Recipes shared by Manoj Lohiya, mixologist, Judge and Jury (bottom two), and Daily Bar and Kitchen (the rest)

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