
A high browse aide de shop!

In a new trend, the avid shopper gets an expert who customises a shopping expedition to your taste, and even does it for you.

Retail therapy can go a long way in calming those frazzled nerves. But,what about those who cringe at the arduous ordeal of picking outfits for those innumerable occasions? If the latter seems more like your everyday story, how about getting assistance from an expert, perhaps? Before you roll your eyes in puzzlement, we zoom in on this trend as city experts tell us more about how the need for personal shoppers is on the rise, with young adults giving the concept a nod in order to get more bang for their bucks...

Vouching by how the demography of those coming in for such services has varied from 20-somethings to individuals in their late 40s, Nisha Guleria Naidu, a fashion influencer and personal shopper reveals, “People today understand the impact and value of undertaking professional help. Personal shopping isn’t just about shopping to make someone look trendy. It’s an elaborate process, which entails gauging an individual’s lifestyle, clothing goals, their natural clothing habits and more. It’s very wholesome, and for those who know the impact of dressing well.”

A file picture used for representative purposes onlyA file picture used for representative purposes only

While the impressive spike in the demand for personal shoppers over the recent times is being witnessed, many experts saw it coming. “Some people have been open to hiring personal shoppers long before it became a trend. I have been in UK and see that Indian women abroad hesitate so much on hiring personal shoppers. Interestingly, there’s a better receptiveness towards the idea, in India! A personal shopper is trained to think about the individual and what suits them unlike tagging a friend along for advice. In an era where it’s easy to get bullied by trends, an expertly guidance on what to opt for will only help in shaping up a healthy perspective about yourself and your body type, opines Sandhya Aiyer Oza, a personal shopper. Enthusing how the idea centers around customisation, Oza adds, “The whole concept centres around the individual. Your choices as a personal shopper must instill a strong wave of confidence in the buyer. Your client needs to be comfortable in and confident with what you have helped them pick. Many times it would be a look they never imagined could suit them. It is my job to stroke their self-esteem and let them explore.”

While the term is most likely to be associated with a niche, the perception is rapidly changing. “I think it’s very primitive to think of a personal shopper to be something every exquisite. The need and the effort one puts in to look good has increased manifold. Whether you’re a young homemaker or a corporate honcho; having someone assist you with your shopping preferences only makes things easier,” adds Aditi Sinha, a fashion influencer and lifestyle entrepreneur, who also offers sartorial advice to clients.

Echoing along similar lines, Nishka opines how it’s all about putting adequate thought into the process. “One thing I would suggest is to always fix a budget on how much are you comfortable spending. Your personal shopper will be able to prioritise items based on your budget, so that you don’t end up feeling like you received the shorter end of the stick.”

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