Quick makeup tips that will save your time
You can apply your makeup quickly in the morning and trust that it will loyally stay with you throughout the day.

If you're running behind, stick to the basics when applying makeup.
Everyone has a busy schedule in the morning. We just don't have an extra hour in life to stand in front of the mirror, leisurely applying our makeup. Just because you're running behind schedule does not mean you have to neglect your makeup. If you're running behind, stick to the basics. You can apply your makeup quickly in the morning and trust that it will loyally stay with you throughout the day.
If you want to save your time there are some tricks by beauty blogger Shambhavi Mishra, www.talksassy.com.
- Ditch the jet black: Avoid using super black pencil to share your brows, instead go for dark brown or light brown to give a natural yet sleek look.
- Shine thou brow : Use a highlighter right beneath your brow under that arch to pump up your brown game
- Don’t whine, use white: You can use your white eye shadow (in case your highlighter is over) under your eyebrow arch to make it pop up… By the way, just by putting a dot of White eye shadow on both the corners of your eyes, you can make your eyes look bigger and better.
- Add some drama: If you a sucker for perfect lashes, you can actually use two mascaras on your eyelashes. Go ahead and buy yourself two kinds; One for the length and second for curling. Goes without saying you need to apply one coat of each
- Hold it right: Want your eyes to look really defined? Hold your brush vertically to get each of those teensy tiny lashes along your bottom lash line, as well as the inner corners and the outer top lashes
- No more clumps: After you apply your first coat of mascara, dust a little translucent powder over your lashes, and then apply a second coat. The powder adds extra length and volume to your eyelashes without getting clumpy.
- Take a dip: Well nothing can be worse than Eye makeup which has gone haywire. Here’s the trick. Dip your liner brush in micellar water and clean up everything not needed with precision.
- Lower the drama: How about adding some drama (Read smoky eyes) to your lower lid instead of the upper eye lid. This looks fabulous during the day!
- Wonder stick: Indeed it is one. There is nothing a good primer can’t do. Not only does it provide a good base to apply makeup but also makes sure that makeup lasts longer and doesn’t shine too much, doesn’t sweat away , doesn’t smudge etc. Invest in this wonder stick.
- Mist it up: Spray some facial mist on top of your blush to make sure that it stays for longer. By the way facial mists also make your skin go all glows.
- Keep it clean: Don’t get lazy when it comes to cleaning your makeup brushes. Do you know you can actually use baby wipes to clean tour makeup brushes.
- Glam it up: Dab a little shimmer blush on the highest part of your cheekbone close to your eyes. This will help you achieve the sexy looks.
- Make it pout: You don't have to get fillers in your lips to have the bee-stung look. For plumper lips, apply liner just outside your natural lip line, then dab a bit of gloss in the middle of your bottom lip and smack your lips together.
- Plump it up: Always thought your lips are thinner than you ever wished? Use creamier lipsticks and you will feel the difference.
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