
India wants an honest Prime Minister, not a 'chowkidar': Owaisi

'Under your (PM's) nose terror attacks took place in Pathankot, Uri and, Pulwama. What kind of chowkidar' are you?' Owaisi said.

Hyderabad: Taking a jibe at the BJP’s ‘Main Bhi Chowkidar’ campaign ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi said India wants an honest Prime Minister and not a ‘Chowkidar’.

“Under your (Prime Minister's) nose terror attacks took place in Pathankot, Uri and, Pulwama. What kind of a ‘Chowkidar’ are you? India wants an honest Prime Minister, not a ‘Chowkidar’,” Owaisi said while addressing a rally here on Wednesday.

The AIMIM chief also asked why the Prime Minister was “afraid” of Swami Aseemanand. “If you are really a ‘Chowkidar’, then announce tomorrow itself that you will appeal against the decision taken by the court to acquit Aseemanand in Samjhauta blast case. Why are you so afraid of Aseemanand? Aseemanand, at one point of time, was associated with RSS,” he said.

Owaisi’s comments came hours after a special NIA court on Wednesday acquitted Swami Aseemanand and three others in the 2007 Samjhauta Express blast case.

Continuing his tirade against the Prime Minister, Owaisi said the latter "deeply follows" the ideology of RSS, an organisation which, he claimed, wants to “weaken the composite culture of India.”

“When Narendra Modi gave his first speech in Parliament after becoming the Prime Minister, I understood that this person (Modi) has spent 25-30 years of his life with RSS and deeply follows its ideology. If you will read textbooks of RSS then you will understand that these people are against the composite culture of the country and India’s secularism,” Owaisi said.

“In his speech, Prime Minister Modi said we have come to power after 1200 years of struggle. There was one Congress MP sitting next to me at that time. He asked me what the Prime Minister was referring to. I told him (Congress MP) that he was talking about the times when the Delhi Sultanate was ruled by Muslim leaders,” he added.

Owaisi also asserted that the Hyderabad Lok Sabha seat is one that “shatters RSS’ dream of ending India’s secularism.”

“The Hyderabad Lok Sabha seat is a fearless voice and fearless identity against Hindutva. This seat shatters RSS’ dream of ending India’s secularism. They (RSS) want to weaken the composite culture of India,” he added.

Telangana will go to polls on April 11, while counting of votes will take place on May 23.

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