
India to sign Paris ‘climate justice’ pact

The agreement acknowledges growth imperatives and the developing world’s right to development.

The agreement acknowledges growth imperatives and the developing world’s right to development.

The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the signing of the Paris agreement on climate change, adopted by more than 190 countries in December last year, on Friday in New York.

Environment minister Prakash Javadekar will sign the agreement on behalf of India on April 22 at a high-level signature ceremony convened by the United Nations Secretary-General, Mr Ban Ki-moon. The agreement was adopted during the 21st Conference of Parties in the French capital.

India had advocated a strong and durable climate agreement based on the principles and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the agreement addresses all the important “concerns and expectations” of India. A record number of countries — more than 150 — are expected to sign the “historic” Paris agreement in New York. A UN body had earlier said that this record number of countries would surpass the previous record of 119 signatures for an opening-day signing for an international agreement, set by the Law of the Sea in Montego Bay in 1994.

The signing ceremony will mark the first step towards ensuring that the Paris Agreement enters into force as early as possible. The agreement will enter into force 30 days after at least 55 countries, accounting for 55 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, deposit their instruments of ratification or acceptance with the Secretary-General.

“The Paris agreement on climate change is a milestone in global climate cooperation. It is meant to enhance the implementation of the convention (UNFCCC) and recognises the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities in the light of different national circumstances,” an official statement said. The agreement acknowledges the development imperatives of developing countries and their right to development. It also recognises the importance of sustainable lifestyles and sustainable patterns of consumption with developed countries taking the lead and notes the importance of “climate justice”, which was raised by India, in its preamble.

Over 60 heads of state are expected to attend the signing ceremony.

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