
Won't jump the gun over move: Syed Ali Shah Geelani

He said that now the police cover provided to him is being raked up and exploited by the government.

Srinagar: Kashmiri separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani on Friday said that he won’t jump the gun over the government’s move to lift curbs on him and other separatists but consult his colleagues for devising a new strategy to carry forward “our freedom movement.”

In his brief speech to worshippers at a mosque here, Mr Geelani said, “I won’t jump the gun. We will work out a new strategy after thorough consultations.” He asked the people to “remain steadfast till the goal of right to self determination is achieved”.

The Mirwaiz, while speaking at Srinagar’s Grand Mosque, alleged that the Centre, with the support of local “quislings”, has always undermined the establishment of a strong people’s leadership in Jammu and Kashmir “as they fear that such leadership which represents people’s aspirations and enjoys their full support is a huge political challenge for them”.

He said, “Since 1947, all the governments that ruled India knew that sincere and strong leadership is a threat to their control on Kashmir, so they have constantly undermined it”. He added, “When repressive means of jailing, detaining, curbing and confining leadership fail devious tactics to discredit leadership and malign them are adopted. Viscous propaganda, lies and personal smear campaigns is launched on print electronic or social media and facts are twisted and manipulated”.

He said that now the police cover provided to him is being raked up and exploited by the government. “Drums are being beaten about the expenditure incurred on the cover. What is obvious is the pettiness of such people that they can play politics even on such an issue,” he said, adding that the government was free to take his security back.

“The unity and oneness of people of Jammu and Kashmir will lead to the success in the freedom struggle.” He added, “The torture cells, jails and other oppression were not able to deter me from the path I have chosen. I will stand firm for freedom movement till my last breath,” Mr Malik, without directly reacting to the government’s lifting curbs on him and others, said in a statement here.

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