
Farmer's to protest against agrarian crisis

A total of 10 crore signatures would be collected from people and submitted to the Prime Minister through the district collectors.

New Delhi: Workers, peasants, dalits and adivasis would converge for a massive protest and ‘Jail Bharo’ on Quit India Day on August 9 in order to pressurise the government to end corporate-driven economic reforms and resolve the acute agrarian crisis and rural distress.

A total of 10 crore signatures would be collected from people and submitted to the Prime Minister through the district collectors.

“This will be the beginning of a new era of joint struggles in the country that will culminate in the end of corporate-driven economic reforms to resolve the acute agrarian crisis and rural distress,” AIKS general secretary Hannan Mollah said.

Claiming that the BJP-RSS combine has dropped its claims of Swadeshi politics and and has become completely subservient to imperialist powers led by USA, he said the Kisan Sabha will submit a Charter of Demands to the government of India and if the Government is not willing to change the reckless anti-peasant policies that aggravate the agrarian crisis, then the peasantry will unleash relentless struggles independently and also unitedly fight with other sections like workers, petty traders, students, youth and other social sections including dalits, adivasis and minorities.

Shortly after the August 9 movement, a huge rally of five lakh people will also be organised on September 5 in the capital.

This will be the first worker-peasant rally since independence and also largest rally of the Left and Democratic forces. It will be organised jointly by CITU, AIKS and AIAWU.

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