
Where to find justice?: Brother of dead air hostess upset over Kanda's support to BJP

Hequestioned the authenticity of the slogan 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' if the responsibility of women was being given to a 'hooligan.'

Haryana: Ankit Sharma, brother of Geetika Sharma, an air hostess who was allegedly driven to suicide by the then Haryana MLA Gopal Goyal Kanda in 2012 disapproved of BJP joining hands with the politician to form government in Haryana.

“Where do we go to find justice, if people like Gopal Kanda are allowed to run constituencies?'' Ankit Sharma asked HT reported.

He further questioned the authenticity of the slogan 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' if the responsibility of women was being given to a 'hooligan.'

Ankit Sharma told the TV channels that it is demotivating for a victim's family if the perpetrator of the crime gets to have a stake in the ruling government.

Geetika Sharma, a 23-year-old air hostess for the now-defunct MDLR airlines had committed suicide after Kanda, the then owner had allegedly harassed her with one of his aides.

Unable to bear the loss of her daughter, Geetika's mother also committed suicide.

He said that he lost his mother and sister just seven years back and that his suffering was not over.

He further requested the government to not ask for support from a criminal.

On Thursday, the results of Haryana polls showed a hung assembly. The BJP had fallen short of the required number of 46 seats, needed for a majority.

Gopal Kanda who belongs to the Lokhit Party was elected from Sirsa in the assembly polls.

On Friday, Kanda said that he along with five independent candidates would extend "unconditional support to BJP" after which the 6 MLAs met party's working president JP Nadda.

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