
Don't teach lessons on nationalism, answer questions raised: Cong asks PM Modi

The Congress leader charged that every time demonetisation-like 'disaster' happens and people suffer, Modi remembers Pakistan.

New Delhi: The Congress on Monday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of deflecting the country's attention from key issues like "corruption" in the Rafale deal by raising the issue of Pakistan.

Congress chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala charged that "an unnerved, frustrated and worried Modi government is now seeking shelter of Pakistan to deflect attention of the country" as it was faced with corruption "exposed" in the Rafale scam.

He told reporters that Modi should answer questions raised on corruption in Rafale deal and other issues and not teach lessons to its leaders on nationalism.

The Congress leader charged that every time demonetisation-like "disaster" happens and people suffer, Modi remembers Pakistan.

"Every time a Mehul Choksi or 'chhota Modi' Nirav Modi runs away with India's money, the Modi government remembers Pakistan. Every time a bank scam where government is guilty, the Modi government remembers Pakistan".

"Now that Rafale scam has exposed rampant corruption, the Modi government is again seeking shelter behind Pakistan. Please answer questions of the nation for the nation seeks accountability from you Prime Minister. We want to ask certain questions to the PM," he said.

Surjewala also took a dig at Modi for his "sari-shawl diplomacy" saying it was done when Pakistan was indulging in ceasefire violations.

"Was your love for Pakistan not apparent when you were indulging in sari -shawl diplomacy as Pakistan was doing ceasefire violations and killing our soldiers. Was it not your love for Pakistan Modi ji when you had gone as an uninvited guest to Pakistan as Pakistan attacked our Pathankot airbase," he asked.

"Was it not your love for Pakistan when you invited the dreaded ISI who is the harbinger and protector of terrorists who come to India every day from Pakistan soil, when you invited them to investigate the Pathankot airbase attack and the same ISI went back and accused India of killing its own soldiers," he queried.

"Was it your love for Pakistan when you formed a government in J&K with PDP and in presence of our Prime Minister, the PDP chief minister thanked not people of India or J&K not Indian army or election commission but they thanked Pakistan and the separatists."

He also asked whether it was his love for Pakistan when a leader, whom the Congress alleged belonged to the BJP IT cell of Madhya Pradesh, was caught spying for the ISI.

"Was it your love for Pakistan when your deputy CM Nirmal Singh in J&K publicly said that Burhan Wani the terrorist would not have been killed by security forces had they known that the terrorist was inside? Was it your love for Pakistan when Modi government proceeded to invite Asiya Andrabi as the poster girl for 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao'. So the connection of terrorists with BJP is well known. Don't preach us lessons on nationalism. We have served this country with our own blood. The history of this country is written with the blood of Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Sardar Beant Singh, Nand Kumar Patel and many many others. Answer the questions don't deflect," he told reporters.

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