
Dissent brewing among NDA's dalit constituents

The BJP MP from Bahraich said that she had launched the agitation because her government was mute on efforts to end reservation.

New Delhi: An undercurrent of dissatisfaction seems to brewing among the dalit constituents of the Narendra Modi-led NDA government in the aftermath of the April 2 country-wide bandh called by dalit organisations.

BJP MP from Bahraich Savitri Bai Phule met rebel Janata Dal leader Sharad Yadav at his residence and discussed the current dalit unrest across the country. In the same vein, Union minister and Lok Janashakti Party chief Ram Vilas Paswan confessed that the review petition in the Supreme Court filed challenging the dilution of the Prevention of Atrocities Against SC/ST Act could have been done earlier.

Mr Yadav told this newspaper that at least 4-5 BJP MPs were in touch with him and had expressed their unhappiness with the BJP regime’s handling of the dalit issue.

It might be recalled that Ms Phule had organised a protest on April one against her own government alleging there was a conspiracy to end reservations. The BJP MP from Bahraich said that she had launched the agitation because her government was mute on efforts to end reservation.

Mr Yadav claimed that those BJP MPs and MLAs, who have been in touch with him, have expressed apprehension over the manner cases were filed against dalits after the April 2 bandh.

“During my frequent visits to Bihar, the number of Dalits attending the meetings have been increasing every passing day and they come to me to explain that they are feeling insecure under the present regime in the country and the state,” he added.

Mr Paswan, meanwhile, told the media that the Government will look at all options, including bringing in an ordinance, in case the Supreme Court order on Prevention of Atrocities against SC/ST Act was not favourable. However, when conceded that the review petition itself could have been filed earlier.

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