
Congress seeks 'clarifications' from Shiv Sena

The CMP will have to include governance points that are taken out from the manifestos of all the parties.

New Delhi: As the political impasse in Maharashtra continues, the Congress is flexing its muscles to drive a hard bargain with its prospective ally — the Shiv Sena.

After admitting for the first time that the Shiv Sena approached them, the Congress is keen on getting ‘clarification on certain points’ before linking up with the Shiv Sena. Firstly, the contentious and ideological issues will have to be kept out of the governance model.

In the Assembly election results, the minorities have also voted for the Congress and the party wants to ensure that their feelings are assuaged. Insiders say that one of the top priorities of the Congress is about the way the Common Minimum Program (CMP) will be drafted.

The CMP will have to include governance points that are taken out from the manifestos of all the parties. A certain amount of give-and-take is expected, but it will be a ‘broad consensus’ document.

The other major issue that requires clarification is the status of local bodies. As of now there 45 Zila Parishads in state and not to forget about 22 Nagar Palikas, 12 Mahanagar Palika almost 12,575 panchayats and municipal corporations.

In most of these local bodies, the Shiv Sena dominates. Now since a new alliance is being forged, how will power-sharing happen in these bodies is to be decided.

As of now the BMC, the biggest municipal corporation in the state, the BJP and the Shiv Sena are in alliance. So is the alliance only limited to the state government or does it percolate down to the local level? These points will have to be cleared by all the alliance parties.

As far as government formation is concerned if the Congress is ready to join the alliance the number of ministers it will have and also the contours of the prospective cabinet.

The decision about the Speaker of the house is also an issue that has to be addressed. Sources within the Congress say that it would have been ‘highly imprudent’ on the part of the Congress to immediately give the letter of support to the Shiv Sena. Instead, a lengthy discussion to achieve clarity on the contentious issues would be a wise decision.

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