
PM Modi Asserts India's Absence Diminishes UN Security Council's Credibility

We have always been a contributor to global peace and progress

New Delhi: The UN Security Council (UNSC) cannot speak for the world as long as the world’s most populous country and largest democracy India is not its permanent member, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reportedly told the French media at his official residence, shortly before his departure for France on Thursday.

The Prime Minister’s remarks indicate New Delhi’s push for permanent membership of the UN’s 15-nation body that currently has only five permanent members — the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China — who enjoy veto power.

“The issue is not just of credibility, but something much larger. How can the UN Security Council claim to speak for the world when the most populous country and worlds’ largest democracy is not a permanent member?” the Prime Minister reportedly told a French publication in an interview, adding that the UNSC reflected the dissonance of an institution that is not in line with a changed world order.

“Its skewed membership leads to opaque decision making processes, which adds to its helplessness in addressing today’s challenges. I think most countries are clear on what changes they would like to see in the UNSC, including India’s role in it,” Modi reportedly said.

“As the world's largest democracy, with unparalleled social and economic diversity, our success will demonstrate that democracy delivers. That it is possible for harmony to exist amidst diversity. At the same time, there is a natural expectation of adjustments in the international system and institutions to give the rightful place to the world's largest democracy,” the Prime Minister was further quoted as saying.

“The rights of the global south (the world’s developing nations) have been long denied. As a result, there is a feeling of anguish among the members of the global south that they are forced into undertaking action; but when it comes to decision making, they don’t find a place or voice. The true spirit of democracy has not been respected vis-a-vis the global south,” the Prime Minister reportedly said.

Regarding his remarks made in September last year to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the Ukraine conflict that “today is not an era of war”, Modi was quoted as telling the French publication “India's stand has been clear, transparent and consistent. I have said that it is not an era of war. We have urged both sides to resolve issues through dialogue and diplomacy. I told them that India is ready to support all genuine efforts that can help bring this conflict to an end. We believe that all countries have an obligation to respect the respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries, to abide by international law and adhere to the UN Charter,”

On India's soft power, the Prime Minister reportedly said, “Our exports have never been war and subjugation, but yoga, ayurveda, spirituality, science, mathematics, and Astronomy. We have always been a contributor to global peace and progress.”

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