Mission Sagar: India rushes Covid aid to Indian Ocean islands
Ship despatched with medical teams, Covid drugs, says 'first responder' India

New Delhi: Following requests by several Indian Ocean maritime nations for assistance in dealing with the Coronavirus pandemic, India has launched Mission Sagar and despatched INS Kesari to the Maldives, Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros and Seychelles, carrying on board two medical assistance teams, consignments of Covid-related essential medicines and essential food items”.
While the Maldives is in India’s immediate maritime neighbourhood, the other nations are far-away islands near the southern African mainland and count as part of the African continent.
In a statement, MEA said, “Responding to their requests for assistance in dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, Government of India has sent INS Kesari to Maldives, Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros and Seychelles, carrying on board two Medical Assistance Teams, consignments of Covid related essential medicines and essential food items. The Medical Assistance Teams will be deployed in Mauritius and Comoros, helping their Governments deal with Covid emergency and dengue fever (in case of Comoros).”
The MEA further said, “The Ship will deliver consignments of Covid related essential medicines to Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros and Seychelles and about 600 tonnes of food items to Maldives. In addition, in case of Mauritius, a special consignment of Ayurvedic medicines is also being sent. The consignments meant for Madagascar and Comoros also includes Hydroxychloroquine tablets, which have already been sent earlier to Mauritius, Maldives and Seychelles.”
The MEA added, “In line with its time-tested role as the first responder in the region, India has already supported the efforts of the governments of Maldives, Sri Lanka, Mauritius and Seychelles by providing them consignments of Covid-19 related essential medicines. A team of select medical personnel was also dispatched to Maldives to augment the preparedness of the Maldivian Government to fight this crisis. ‘Mission Sagar’ is inspired by Prime Minister’s vision of SAGAR - Security and Growth for All in the Region.”