BJP takes step to connect with farmers
BJP's Kisan Morcha to hold 3-day training session from May 18.

New Delhi: With less than a year left for the crucial Lok Sabha polls and farmers plight emerging as a key political issue, the BJP has decided to launch a nationwide exercise highlighting the achievements and initiatives taken by the Modi government. The ruling party will launch a nationwide drive wherein it will reach out to maximum number of farmers in villages across the country, through its cadre and supporters who will be imparted the achievements and initiatives of the BJP led NDA government and also farmers specific schemes of the BJP-ruled states.
The ruling party has been under constant attack from the Opposition for failing to address farmers issues. In poll bound state of Karnataka, it is one of the main poll planks of the BJP against the Siddharamaiah-led Congress government and could spell trouble in BJP ruled states of Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Rajasthan where elections are scheduled by the end of this year, if not countered efficiently.
BJP’s Kisan Morcha is holding a three day long training session from May 18 for its office bearers, who will then train a minimum of five people and the process will continue to the states, districts, blocks and then at the village level. These “workforce” task will be to reach out to maximum number of villages and farmers and inform them about the intiatives taken by the Modi government and the BJP ruled governments for the sector.
Admitting that a lot more still needs to be done by the Central government in the field of farming and the allied sector, Kisan Morcha’s head and party’s Bhadohi MP, Virendra Singh ‘Mast,’ said “in coming years, it will be farmers and their issues which will hog the politics.”
“It is not like the farming sector was neglected all of a sudden, the process was gradual and its revival would also be gradual. But thankfully, unlike earlier (earlier regime), the process has been started, its effects are started showing and the overhauling of the farming and allied sector will take place for sure,” said Mr Singh advising that BJP needs to interact “more personally” with the farmers and activiate the “saashan, prashashan and samaaj (governance, adminstration and the society)” in their respective constituencies for the Modi government’s acheivements to reach out to the farming community.