
India: Malaysia, Turkey stance on J&K not in tune with facts

The comments were viewed seriously by India.

New Delhi: India has lodged a strong protest with Turkey and Malaysia — both close allies of Pakistan — after repeated controversial remarks by these two countries on the Kashmir issue, Government sources have confirmed, even as New Delhi said it “deeply regretted” the comments by the two countries.

On Turkey, the ministry of external affairs (MEA) said, “India and Turkey are friendly countries. We, therefore, deeply regret that since August 6, there have been repeated statements by the Turkish government on a matter completely internal to India. These statements are factually incorrect, biased and unwarranted. We call upon Turkish government to get a proper understanding of the situation before making any further comments.”

On Malaysia, the MEA said, “We have traditionally good and friendly ties with Malaysia. These relationship have been enhanced in recent years. We have noted the comment on Jammu and Kashmir by the Prime Minister of Malaysia. We deeply regret these comments since it is not based on facts. ... The government of Malaysia should bear in mind the friendly relations between the two countries and desist from making such comments. “

While elaborating, the MEA said, “The facts are as under —- Jammu and Kashmir signed the same Instrument of Accession as was done by other princely states. Pakistan invaded and illegally occupied parts of Jammu and Kashmir, a fact which has been recognised by the international community. The current developments in J&K and Ladakh is a purely internal matter of India and does not involve any third country.”

Both Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan have emerged as big supporters of Pakistan, something which has deeply concerned New Delhi.

The Malaysian PM was recently quoted by media reports from the UN General Assembly (GA) at New York, as saying, “Now, despite the UN resolution on Jammu and Kashmir, the country has been invaded and occupied. There may be reasons for this action but it is still wrong. The problem must be solved by peaceful means. India should work with Pakistan to resolve this problem. Ignoring the UN would lead to other forms of disregard for the UN and the Rule of Law.” The comments were viewed seriously by India.

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