
Future of content delivery: From single CDN to multiple CDNs

CDNs function by accessing content from the origin and then caching it across their points-of-presence

The public internet presents an interesting challenge—its public. Better said, it is a global network of networks accessible by all. We see the impacts on the networks that make it all possible as capacity, throughput and latency are put to the test. Since no one company or entity owns or controls the entire internet, we rely on collaboration and innovation to make it better. System73 is a global leader in technology that helps this network of networks run more efficiently for content distributors.

CDNs compete globally

Content distributors know the exact impact of things like delayed loading and buffering video on their business. While they can’t control the entire journey to end users, there is one ace in the hole: content distribution networks (CDNs). A CDN can be contracted to help distribute their websites, apps, software and content quickly and efficiently to end users. Once a service graduates to having consistent end user traffic, a CDN is typically engaged.

CDNs function by accessing content from the origin and then caching it across their points-of-presence (PoPs). As an initial end user requests content, the CDN retrieves it from the origin and then caches it so that users thereafter can access it quickly. The CDN market includes innovative startups to established companies like Akamai, Amazon Cloudfront, Limelight, CenturyLink and Verizon Edgecast.

Trend: From single CDN to multiple CDNs

Even when using a CDN, content distributors can still suffer frustration as end users experience performance problems. Sometimes these issues are related to the CDN itself. Other times the source is congestion on the public internet during peak times or events. Over the last several years the trend towards using multiple CDNs instead of a single provider has been gaining strength. Utilizing multiple CDNs helps by expanding coverage, capacity and throughput. It also assists by sending users to the healthiest CDN at that time and in their location.

Multiple CDNs are a good idea for sites and services that have experienced issues, have higher traffic (over 50TBs/month) or a globally distributed user base. The team at System73 continues their innovation by offering KUNO, a multi-CDN solution that can be launched and live in minutes. It is truly the network of networks for content distributors online. The service has over a dozen integrated tier-1 CDNs and competitive flat rate pricing. KUNO helps content distributors run on the best CDNs in the world.

As lead investor of System73, Bill Erbey has seen the growth in the content distribution space and believes that more innovation is possible yet. With KUNO, what used to be a complex technical project is now as simple as updating the CNAME for the CDN. Erbey has directed the team to continue improving QoE outcomes through the company’s unique and patented technology.

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