
Woman burns a hole in her nose after trying out herbal treatment for skin cancer

Black salve was commonly used in the early 1900s to heal moles and scars.

Black salve was commonly used in the early 1900s to heal moles and scars.

A woman who opted for alternative medicine in a bid to cure her skin cancer has been left with a severely damaged nose after applying a herbal ointment. The woman shared her horrifying story via a video on the World’s Greatest Medical YouTube channel.

She reveals that she had rubbed black salve – an ointment which dissolves skin tissue – onto her face and forehead to treat her skin cancer condition. Unfortunately her treatment backfired in the worst way when green scabs appeared on her skin within a few days and burned her skin. Her skin tissue was so badly damaged that she was left with a deep hole in her nose.

Black salve was commonly used in the early 1900s to heal moles and scars. But now the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has listed it as a ‘fake cancer treatment; and is trying to get it banned.

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