13 reasons of caution
The series that generated enormous debate over whether its graphic content could spur self-harm among vulnerable viewers.

The truth will come out. It always does in some way or the other. And when it does, we must brace ourselves. Or in this case, tread with caution.
Faded scars, healing wounds, tears of anguish, a taste of revenge and the storm of justice are what the new season of 13 Reasons Why will be about as it sets to air on Netflix on May 18 (today). The much-discussed show that has been criticised for how it brings the power of suggestion into young minds, is controversially built around sexual assault and a teenage girl’s suicide. The new season takes place in the wake of the protagonists’ Hannah Baker’s suicide. Looking to follow the other characters’ road to recovery after Hannah’s untimely death in Season Two, city youngsters debate about whether the show glorifies suicide.
The last season was narrated through a series of tapes, but this season will have an ominous twist as eerie polaroids will continue her story and aid characters in uncovering the mystery. The previous season was met with positive and negative reviews, as some claimed that the show glorified suicide and others claimed that the show was an accurate portrayal of the deadly consequences of bullying. City binge watchers share their take on it. Sheryl M Yaseen, a student of Mount Carmel College feels that being a teen drama, she can only imagine that it loses focus and waters down to something that’s forcefully sad and unnecessarily overdramatic. She espouses, “I don’t think it glorifies suicide. A lot of people think the final scene either glorified it or was unnecessarily gory but I disagree. When I watched it, I didn’t see it as portraying suicide as a good or bad thing, but just an incident that happened. I believe anyone who saw the show as glorifying suicide simply shouldn’t have seen it. I can see how some p
arts would’ve been problematic but it doesn’t mean the show promotes anything negative.”
G Raghunathan, a student of SRM Institute of Science and Technology espouses a similar opinion as he also feels it did not glorify suicide. If anything, it scares a person to the level of deciding not to do it, he adds, “I don’t know what exactly to expect from this season but the trailer raises expectations as to how it will be.”
Others have expressed their disdain for the show due to the graphic scenes that were portrayed, and have feared repercussions as its viewers comprise of a young age group. Hafsa S, a doctor at KIMS Hospital says, “In a day when A-rated movies, and movies with graphic content are no longer aired exclusively after 9 PM, and are available to every age group at all times, it is prudent that parents enforce a “parental lock” on such channels. Shows such as “13 Reasons Why”, I believe, can have a severely negative impact on the youth. After witnessing the tragic repercussions of “the blue whale challenge”, it is important, now more than ever before, that children’s/teens’ programs are monitored.
Mohideen Yazir, a student of SRM Institute of Science of Technology has a mixed opinion on the show as it does glorify suicide in some way but has a strong message to convey. He says, “I would not say that this series glorifies suicide but I wouldn’t say otherwise too. It has always been under the grey zone. If the tapes were just the beginning as shown in the trailer and Hannah wasn’t really the only one, she could’ve risen up for the bullied people and gotten justice for what she and her other mates had undergone. She could have planned to corner the bullies to get justice instead of planning what she did to the bullies and “The Rapist” after her death. They have portrayed that suicide is the best solution to any problem. Now, my expectations from season 2 would be a proper solution from one affected person who can stand up for his/her kind, against the negative elements like Bryce or Courtney. Also I’ve been expecting if Bryce could be convicted and Courtney could get guilt tripped into accepting her faults.”