
My boyfriend helps me stay grounded, says Aalika shaikh

Come to think of it, he is not just my boyfriend but also my best friend.

My partner in life and crime, my boyfriend Rohin Roberts means the world to me, and I share an extremely special bond with this guy.

Come to think of it, he is not just my boyfriend but also my best friend, the person who adds meaning to my life, a perfect life guide and a yin to my yang; he complete me.

He helps me strike a balance to my otherwise wild and chaotic life, keeps me grounded and always help me discover the other side of the coin.

He is my number one fan. He is the first one to congratulate me on my projects. He may not carry cheerleading pompoms, but he makes me feel that I am a superstar.

He is my biggest support system. He makes me feel good when I feel nervous. He gives the comfort you need and whenever you feel like the world is against you.

I am thankful to God for sending him into my life. I am truely blessed.

Aalika is an actress

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