
13 Reasons... and more

The series revolves around the suicide of Hannah Baker, an Analy High School senior.

13 Reasons Why is a teen drama series based on the book of the same name by Jay Asher. The series revolves around the suicide of Hannah Baker, an Analy High School senior. Before her death, Hannah made 13-old-fashioned cassettes for the 13 people responsible for her death. Each cassette had a detailed description of the reasons leading her to take this drastic step. The series starts with protagonist Clay Jensen listening to the tapes. The makers have beautifully introduced each and every character, one also finds out the reason why she decided to commit suicide. We also get to see the one-sided love Clay has for Hannah. In season 2, Hannah’s mom files a case against the school citing negligence on their part against bullying. In this season, each of the people mentioned in the tapes, testify their acts. Some for her and some against her. Clay who is now having hallucinations about Hannah, tries to bring justice to her. This series highlights what each and every teenager goes through in life. The best part being that all the episodes are released together. So, binge-watch away.

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